Sunday, May 9, 2010


Allow me to preface this with a warning - this is a rant. I will do my best to be somewhat fair, but bear in mind this is a topic that I feel strongly about.

Today is Mother's Day. I am lucky enough to have my mother, and be close enough to spend the day with her. That said, I am childless and sterilized, and I am both completely comfortable with and proud of these facts. These are life decisions I made, and I believe it was the right choice for me and those around me. There are reasons, obviously, and if anyone cares to read them, I will share them, but that's another blog.

Today, while at work, I was greeted with "Happy Mother's Day!" from many a customer. Now, I realize that they are just being nice, but I was irritated. I do not appreciate the assumption that a woman is a mother. I also hate that just because a woman has squeezed out another baby she is a "mother" - I have seen some serious failures become "mothers" and it is tragic. Fathers are another topic entirely, and I am not going to broach the issue right now, but we all know some real failures there too.

When do I get a day in honor of my responsible life choices? When is the "Responsible Birth Control Day?" And no, I am not asking for that day literally - political correctness, in this instance, can go fuck itself.

For all of the honest to goodness mothers out there, I hope your kid(s) are honoring you properly for all that you do. Mothers that do their jobs well are a gem, and impact their children in ways they may never even know. My mother means so much to me, and has taught me both by guiding me and by the way she conducts herself. I hold everyone else to the standard she set, and I know many other kids that do the same.

For those of you that go around wishing every woman you see a Happy Mother's Day - stop. It's presumptuous and, while you have the best intentions, it doesn't change the fact that it isn't even any of your damn business if the woman is a mother. If she mentions her kids, go for it. If not, keep your greetings out of my ovaries.

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