Tuesday, March 30, 2010

He'll never give you more than you can handle.

I have found myself in a very trying place over the last week or so. There have been a lot of really upsetting issues and very little I can do to rectify them. It is all putting an enormous strain on me, and I have very friends at this point to vent to - as of late, I feel I am overloading them with my despair, so I am trying to just shut up about it already.

Last night, while sitting at a bar with a friend, she told me, "Whatever you believe, God, The Universe, Balance, whatever - it never gives you more than you can handle." I was furious. I kept my anger and dismay to myself, but the fact is, even today this statement makes me red.

Allow me to indulge myself, and delve into exactly what it was that made me angry. First of all, I do not believe in "God" - but she did try to make that part as inoccuous as possible. But as a "non believer" or whatever, I find it insulting to believe that there is some being that is completely fucking with my life, pushing me, but not too worry! He/She/It will stop amusing itself when I reach (but do not exceed) my breaking point! And I should be thankful to have been tested in this way! Is that honestly some kind of consolation? Do people take comfort in that?

I have no explanation for the bad things that happen to people. But I sure as hell don't tell them the tooth fairy will make it all better. Sometimes, bad shit just happens. And you weather the storm, as best as you can. That's all you can do.  I'm hoping that this one is losing steam, and the calm will come soon.

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